Welcome to TheUnitedBlacknationThe Resurrected Government of |
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Our organization advocates for the Rights and Wholistic Independence of UnitedBlackAmerikans and 'Black' people planetwide. There’s just one thing missing: YOU! 'Black' is the Indigenous, the Melanated and or the Righteous people of the planet. Are you interested in volunteering with Our organization To help assist others and Earn, and Or are you in need of assistance yourSelf? .. Either way...!!! |
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JOIN & SUPPORT (T.U.BMan) in His efforts to Resurrect TheUnitedBlackNation aka Fallen Humanity by filling 'government Career Positions' with TheUnitedBlackNation to Create a 0% unemployment environment for All Citizens of TheUnitedBlackNation as We seek to Produce Our own Vehicles (land, air, sea, space), Refrigerators (and other consumer electronics), Construction (tools, machinery, materials), naturally grown Foods, Shoes/boots, Safety and Medical equipment, Wholistic HealthCare systems, Currency to be circulated withIN TheUnitedBlackNation, Edification (Home schooling) networks, Political Reality (court system, legislative bodies, police forces), Executive bodies ('Cabinet' level positions and Departments .ie Commerce, Treasury, Defense, State, Energy etc...) to Clean and Heal OurSelves, Our Communities (planet-wide) and the Planet itSelf. |